Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Oh, the sweetest day.  Really, I just lay watching Grace sleep for her first nap with us and thanked God that everything went so well.
We left in rush hour traffic (makes San Antonio look like the countryside) to travel to a government building to pick up Grace.  We were all so nervous and excited.  When we arrived, the elevator was out so we hiked it up 6 flights of stairs to get our girl.  Cory said it could have been twenty, but judging by how breathless and winded we were when we got to the top, it could have been twenty but at a much slower pace!  Our guide opened a door at the top and there she was!  She looked a bit shy and timid in her nanny's arms but what an answered prayer when she willingly came to mine.  So dear and treasured in my heart.  Moments later shy and timid left and a great game of "throw the baby doll" began.  So many cuddles, so many giggles and so many smiles.   Cory and I know that we can't judge how things will be by the first day, but let's do it anyway just for fun!  She is so expressive...loves to throw things with a great climatic wind up and then a glance around the room to see who is most impressed.  In the hotel lobby, where Carter stated that she  looked as if "she was on tour" by all of the stares from staff and business men, Grace could have cared less and decided to walk and coo and giggle and play.  At the grocery store, more stares but she had a snack bowl full of puffs which were gone quickly, held by the sweetest little pincher grasp.  Didn't want to be fed but determined to do it herself.  Diaper changes and her first bottle...so sweet.  She has two teeth coming in on that crazy cleft and the kids decided it was "pretty gross" but that they didn't care.  Carter said she was worth every penny and Claire thought she was beautiful even with the gross teeth.  I love my kids.  The three here and the one in NC who told me about his cherry ice cream this morning.
Grace loves to mimic and copy and make noises.  Her cleft is bad enough that she can't say much but has the cutest raspy voice and coos.  And one great giggle!  She loves to have her feet kissed (you know that all four of us have done it!) and she throws herself into your lap for big hugs.  We are all happy to make up for any lost time or lost affection.
It was obvious from meeting her nanny and nurse that they loved her and took good care of her.  We are so grateful and despite the language barrier, we could feel the mutual appreciation for one another.  We barely know this little person but like her a lot and love her forever.  It feels very natural for us all which is such a blessing.

All of friends stateside are casting a vote today.  We voted too.  For Grace.  No matter who takes office, you can vote for life, you can vote for education, you can vote for healthcare, you can vote to help the helpless.  Today we took all of our favorite platforms from each party and said yes to supporting them in the life of little Grace.  Oh, the sweetest day.  We gotcha.


  1. It's going to be a long day if Mrs.Hodges is up at 3:45am shedding huge alligator tears over the sweetness of these pictures. Congratulations! She is beautiful and so full of love. God is so, so, good! Hugs from the Hodges family and the sweet littles in room 10. I can't wait to share these pictures in the classroom today. Xoxo

  2. Can't wait to meet your Grace! What a sweet blessing.

  3. I am just so thrilled for you guys and completely overwhelmed by the goodness of God that, like Kimberly, I can barely see the screen in front of me for tears of great joy! I look forward to seeing your dear family and meeting your (OUR, speaking for our church!) new precious Grace.

  4. And a ps to my email. I LOVE her yellow shoes!!!!

  5. Yes, the yellow shoes are fabulous! .....and the way she's gazing in your eyes while drinking her yumyums!

  6. Oh, my! Cory & Jen - so glad you have video of those first moments. Thanks for sharing with us. I love you both. Can't help my thoughts from going back to those two college kids falling in love. Could you ever have imagined? Give Carter and Claire a big hug from Nana - and tell them I can't wait for them to introduce Grace to me back in Texas. My prayers follow you on your journey. Patti
    (OK - I hope you can just get a chuckle out of my inability to change my IdolSchmidol user name on this account!!!)

  7. Many tears of joy at the Bowen home this morning!! Your Grace is beautiful, and we can't wait to meet her. And I'm so happy to see Jen with her dark-haired daughter in her arms at last!

  8. Many tears here too. What a beautiful blessing.You all have an extra glow! I can not wait to meet her!! I am trying to be patient but I am ready to have you next door.... lots of love! -Jenny

  9. oh, how beautiful. Cried happy tears of joy and love and grace, of course, as I read the happy post to the boys. The video did me in, and I'm done for the day. Lots of prayers for all of you. Praise be to God, the giver of all good gifts. Much love and congratulations!!

  10. love the videos-cried and laughed. What an amazing blessing, so happy for you all as you start this whole new chapter.

  11. just watched the videos....so wonderful!!! thank you for sharing with us!!

  12. The video moved Bart and I to tears! We are so happy for you all! These have got to be the BEST videos I have EVER seen. I can't even put it into words. Much love to you all!

  13. So wonderful and such a clear picture of the GOSPEL to a watching world. I cried joy tears as I watched your video and imagined Claire and Carter experiencing those emotions with you! Yay!

  14. Hurray, Barnetts!! This is so exciting! We've been in the adoption process for so long (from Ethiopia) that it gets a but discouraging at times, so I'm always so encouraged and excited to see homecoming blogs. Grace is just one more reminder of the joy that's awaiting us. Rejoicing with you tonight!

  15. Congratulations! Your sweet Grace is absolutely beautiful!

  16. I missed that there was a video since I checked this on my phone this morning. Just watched and my heart skipped a beat when they handed that little bundle to you, Jen! Incredible. One can't not cry seeing that! Praising the Lord for a smooth Gotcha moment. Enjoy your sweet new daughter! Love you all.

  17. I adore the video of Grace throwing the ball. Oh her eyes! So much life, spunk, joy and spirit! Thank you for sharing that I might get another glimpse of Jesus.

  18. I cried as I watched the video! Can't express what I'm feeling....

  19. Way to go... I'm crying at the airport!!

  20. I have been keeping up but not watching videos from my phone. Now I am sitting here in jury duty shedding big happy tears. What a precious video of your "gotcha" moment. WOW. I love how she rests her head on you. She clearly feels safe there!
